va·go . portuguese for ‘’not filled’’

Get to know more about our journey and our Manifesto

There is great power in building long-lasting relationships with an audience through bold storytelling and design.
And if you’ve come this far, you believe so too.

MEET Sofia

I'm a career switcher, a food lover, and a music enthusiast from Portugal. My 20s were a bit of a wild ride across four countries, where I went from studying Architecture to trying my hand at advertising, sales, digital marketing, and social media. It was a journey of twists and turns, but one that eventually led me to my true passion.

Vago is a love letter to all the stories I've gathered and the skills I've picked up along the way. It's not just a passion; it's a continuous quest to figure out how I can help others. It combines my knowledge from the world of business and branding into a mix of consulting, coaching, and teaching. And above all, it's all about empowering fellow business owners to find their inner confidence to build successful ventures.

So, all and all, I'm here to share everything I've learned with you and to take us both on an exciting journey where we can learn from each other and have some fun along the way.

Ready to chat?

from jenni davies

client testimonial

The owner of Chill Creative and a master of Copywriting + Storytelling Strategy

‘’You’ve definitely found your calling. Everything that was in my head... you put it into design’’

client testimonial from Emma Gray, EMpathrive

More about what it's like to work with VAGO

  • You know what we've grown really tired of? All those books and videos that claim success depends on following a strict set of rules, such as waking up at 5 am, doing this, and doing that. We don't believe in it- it doesn't work for us. We don't seem to fit that mold, and yet we’re still running a successful business.

    Building a business is not a linear path, and being a business owner is a journey of self-discovery. We're not all the same people, so why should we conform to the same 'business people' mold? This philosophy lies at the heart of what we do.

    So, our manifesto is 'You first.' Regardless of the package you choose, whether you're a solopreneur or part of a team, if you opt to work with us, be prepared to invest some of our initial time in getting to know each other. We need to understand how you work, your thought processes, your daily routine, your skills, and the areas where you may need support. Only when we grasp how YOU operate and what suits you best can we begin to explore everything about your business. This is the only way we'll be able to create something that you can confidently nurture, and that resonates with your audience.

  • We thoroughly enjoy collaborating with clients who aspire to create their own unique and, at times, unconventional dream life. Businesses that provide a personalized touch to their clients, whether through their services or products. Whether you're a solo entrepreneur or part of a team aiming to establish a business with a well-defined structure and purpose, you've come to the right place.

    Our previous clients have included coaches, copywriters, videographers, beauty and hair professionals, skincare product brands, tech startups, and more.

  • Our process focuses on three key steps:

    1. Assisting you in leveraging your skills as a business owner or team.

    2. Fully understanding your market and your audience's needs.

    3. Providing a brand design that mirrors these two aspects + help you implement a range of positioning techniques to ensure your branding is effective.

  • We possess exceptional listening skills and the ability to uncover essential information about you and your business, often revealing insights that might even surprise you.

    If you find it challenging to articulate your design requirements but have a clear vision of how your grand idea can come to life, we’re here to bridge that gap for you.

  • We'll collaborate with you to achieve the following objectives:

    1. Transform your strategic and visual business vision into reality.

    2. Gain clarity on positioning your brand in a manner that genuinely resonates with your audience.

    3. Enhance recognition, trust, loyalty, and customer acquisition.

    4. Fulfil your business purpose with integrity and purposeful branding.

    5. Feel empowered, confident, and invigorated by your business idea.

    6. Receive dedicated support and motivation at every stage of the process.

Ready to discuss your journey?